Category: Mobile
Work From Home Checklist
Last week I created a checklist for those organizations that have not had people, at scale, work from home. There are two lists. The first list helps someone who has not worked from home previously checkoff that they have all the necessary resources from A-Z to do everything they would normal do at their office. …
Should Law Firms Build Apps?
By Joseph Raczynski On the first day of ILTA’s 2014 convention I attended a rather fascinating session. The title was “To App or Not To App?” and focused around if it makes sense for a law firm to produce their own Apps. The following questions were posed: Do law firm apps really do the useful…
Strategies for Managing Mobile Devices in Law Firms
By Joseph Raczynski Christopher B. Hunt – Tarlow, Breed, Hart & Rodgers, P.C. Kris Snyder – VoxMobile Today at the typical law firm the onslaught of various mobile devices abound. The firm is now confronted with requests to support a fractious market of iPhones, BlackBerries, and Androids. Not only must they deal with devices,…